Supervisor ACC Course

Supervisor ACC Course students – The Hague and online

Supervising in English is possible for students of the ACC course Coaching and Counselling.
Since 2006 Els Pet had sessions as supervisor ACC Course with students of the Academy Counselling/Coaching, also in English.
She is a trainer at the Academy Coaching/Counselling – Rotterdam and The Hague and online – since 2004, so she knows a lot about the study and the experiences of the students.
During the Course ACC Coaching and Counselling it could be helpfull to have supervision, after 1 or 2 hours clientwork: to talk about the problems of the first sessions and the possible approaches for the next sessions.
Feel free to have a session with Els Pet.

A session will take 1 – 1,5 hour and costs € 100,- for students at the ACC. BTW free because it is part of the course. Extra fee € 10,- for an evening-session.
Get in touch to make an appointment.

Getting Supervision on your clientwork.

The course ACC requires you to get supervision with an experienced and qualified supervisor. This supervision consists of one-to-one sessions that are meant to:
• help improve the quality of your work as counsellor or coach.
• to take stock of how well you are doing and to prevent overlooking things.
• find recourse in case of doubt, insecurity, how to handle a particular client.
• consult regarding ethical matters, e.g. pertaining to confidentiality or referral.
• benefit from the many years of experience of the supervisor.
• gain further professional knowledge if/when necessary.
• get support when the work is temporarily not going smoothly.
• emulate the professional attitude and work method.
• It is NOT: working on personal issues, for which you have a counsellor or coach. Or to help you with the course. Or to help you with marketing your practice.